Short and painfully sweet, this Journal Club we’re phoning it in with some noteworthy non-news. But, while low in minutes, the topics couldn’t be spicier. We bring you the connection between gingivitis and mental health and explore the top-down processing that makes “it hurt so good.” We discuss research on the brains of masochists when they experience pain. Also, ‘sup mushroom!
- Burden of chronic diseases associated with periodontal diseases: a retrospective cohort study using UK primary care data (Zemedikun, D. T. et al., 2021)
- Gum Disease Increases Risk of Other Illness Such as Mental Health and Heart Conditions. (McKinney, E., 2021)
- Contextual modulation of pain in masochists: involvement of the parietal operculum and insula (Kamping et al., 2016)
- Operculum info
- Amielle: @CurlsPhD and @TroubleheliXX
- Leah: @HoxInSocks
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