Misunderstanding or misconduct? Why not both! Leah and Amielle dive into two of the latest Earth-shattering and/or blindingly obvious controversies in neuroscience. First up: the long-misrepresented serotonin hypothesis of depression. Then: What does the amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer’s have to do with the stock market? From antique vertebrae to mint chocolate chip botanists, science is fun (depending on your definition of fun). Also, angels don’t exist.
- Around 4 min – Disturbing Details Found In John Wilkes Booth’s Autopsy. Moreno, (2022).
- Around 16 min- The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence. Joanna Moncrieff et al. (2022) Around 17 min- Serotonin and depression The Marketing of a Myth. David Healy (2015). https://www.bmj.com/content/350/bmj.h1771.full
- Around 50 min- Blots on a Field? Piller, (2022)
- Around 57 min- What an Alzheimer’s Controversy Reveals About the Pressures of Academia. Grimes, (2022)
- Around 1 hr- Nathan For You season 3, episode 7: Nail Salon/Fun https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5216374/ (2015)
- Who knows when- –https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/05/07/5-httlpr-a-pointed-review/
Closing music, Red Hand by Owl John Produced By Andy Monaghan, Written By Scott Hutchison, Copyright © Atlantic Records
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- Amielle: @CurlsPhD and @TroubleheliXX
- Leah: @HoxInSocks