Take a break, quit piling on life’s suffering, and join Amielle and guest co-host Kate Sherman for an exploration of the neuroscience behind mindfulness meditation. They discuss some unexpected results from Bang et al. (2023) that mindfulness programs makes a major difference on white matter tracks and panic disorder recovery. Allow this audio stimulus—brimming with inspirational jingles and messages of self-compassion—to slam into who you are as a person. Also, your sister isn’t always right.
Tag: Neuroscience
Ep. 61: Sauced Up Science, Part 2 (Grodin et al., 2023; Richards et al., 2023 )
Tom and Amielle are back for Part II of their two-part series on alcohol. They’re getting real by sharing their alcohol use dependency scores and spilling pie juice. We learn the importance of keeping your anterior cingulate cortex clear of metabolites and sharing skull pictures on dates. Finally, our two co-hosts discuss a drug that not only helps you lose weight but curbs alcohol cravings. Also, Richard Simmons.
Ep. 60: Sauced Up Science, Part 1 (Lepeak et al., 2023)
Fill up your beer jars and join the club as we discuss the latest research on alcohol. In part 1 of this two-part series, Tom is bringing songs, accents, and x-mas disapproval, as well as a study on the effect of booze on sperm. Amielle discusses how shutting off a stress-related molecule can change drinking behavior. Guaranteed to be high proof, 21+ science comedy.
Ep. 59: Postpardon Me (Cheng et al., 2021)
On this Journal Club, things get candid really fast. Rachel and Amelle launch into the latest and not-so-greatest in a special type of depression: postpartum depression. While attempts at humor are more scant than usual, this episode is full of drugs, hormones, and body leakage. Also, Gatorade.
Ep. 58: Shmoos and Nanofiber Peptides Will Provide (Alvarez et al., 2023)
Let’s double dip into some neuroscience and animal research! Leah and Amielle are discussing how nanofibers are maturing neurons… Read more Ep. 58: Shmoos and Nanofiber Peptides Will Provide (Alvarez et al., 2023)
Ep 57: The Ask-a-Philosopher HotLine
This episode is the third in our three part series on consciousness. While we do figure out that it’s a brain process, more importantly, we learn how to succeed in neuroscience. The Churchland method of scientific husbandry will have you breeding A-class neuroscientists! You might not get published, but your DNA will. Alternatively, you can try splitting your brain and accomplish twice as much. If you get hungry, just pop some pup brains in your mouth. And finally, don’t forget to make one of the figures in your next manuscript just a picture of two middle fingers. Also, go beg for me, baby.
Ep. 56: Google Scholar Search: Fire Bad?
It’s part two in our series on consciousness. We keep this journal club short and sweet, discussing ancient alien philosophers, personal wenuses, Phil Collins stutters, Ginsberg Golloba, koala qualia, and a gentle reminder that we’re stuff doing stuff made of stuff. Also, Dumpties.
Ep. 55: Rockin’ My Gadonken
Join the club for big group of your favorite co-hosts discussing the ever present question of humanity: what is consciousness? We’re experiencing experiences, visiting conscious archipelagos, discovering open-air spin coaches, the no-no list, and kadunkadunk. Also, Team Philosophy.
Ep. 54: Altruis-dicks (Scheggia et al., 2022)
Do us a big favor and rate the show. Although we know that if you’re a dominant male mouse, you… Read more Ep. 54: Altruis-dicks (Scheggia et al., 2022)
Ep. 53: Triskakittyphobia (Kumar et al., 2004)
It’s all cats, alcohol, and death this week at the Journal Club. In this Halloween hangover episode, Leah and… Read more Ep. 53: Triskakittyphobia (Kumar et al., 2004)